
Autism is a Journey

A Teen With Autism Tells You What's It's Really Like

Tool that Helped our Daughter overcome Autism's Big Challenges


Helping our child with Autism become Verbal


Thomas-Autism in the Workplace


Stephen-Autism in the Workplace


Intricate Minds: Understanding Classmates with Asperger Syndrome


Intricate Minds II: Understanding Elementary School Classmates with Asperger


Meet Taylor

my videos: ~

 This is a video about my daughter Taylor's experience with Autism and Aspergers Syndrome.

 At age 2, Taylor was diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum

 and given little hope of having a happy, independent life. Now, at age 17, she is a top student,

 an athlete, and a creative artist


Commercial from Japan; Not broken just different


Autism -What you Ought to Know

Love & Asperger
Hamrick and Nebeker live together in a Jackson, Miss.,
apartment, yet they have separate bedrooms,
eat meals apart and spend most of their time focused
on their own interests.

This unusual setup is how Hamrick and Nebeker, who are both autistic,

 make their relationship work.

The Conversation: iPad gives voice to people with Autism
